Church Membership Software
Page: Buy Now

   Print Directories
   Cell/Small Groups
   Member Management
   Library Management
   List Management
   Events and Meetings
   Resource Scheduling
   Financial Records
   Asset Management
   Desktop Version
   Cloud Version
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   Videos / Tutorials
   System Requirements
   Free To Small Churches
   Payment Plan
   Grow Your Church
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Purchase Working Church



Purchase either version of Working Church software and install it on every computer on your network. There are no additional charges for multiple installations or networked users of the software. 

You may upgrade from Light to Standard  at any time.

Working Church Light - church membership software - includes:


Working Church Standard - church management software - includes all the features of Light, plus:


Purchase either version of Working Church software and receive:





Your free copy of:


130+ Proven Ways To Grow Your Church.


This new ebook is jam-packed with ideas, both large and small, for growing your church.




Desktop version


 Unlimited members version




 Download only




 Download and CD (US & Canada only)






 Up to 100 members version




 Download only




 Download and CD   (US & Canada only)





You do not need a PayPal account to order. All major credit cards accepted.



Other Services





 Import Your Current Contacts List




 Per-Incident Support Fee


You do not need a PayPal account to order. All major credit cards accepted.

Refund Policy - Working Church is downloadable, fully-functional, "free" to use for up to 25 members, and try-before-you-buy. We provide our software free for your convenience to fully evaluate the product in your computing environment and we encourage you to do so before you commit to purchasing the software. If you purchase our product, after we receive payment notification that your purchase has been approved, an email will be sent to you with an activation key to unlock the software. Once this information is emailed to you, there will be no refunds given. We must enforce this policy since it would be impossible for you to return your registered version of our software.


Print Directories
Cell/Small Groups
Member Management
Library Management
List Management
Events and Meetings
Resource Scheduling
Financial Records
Asset Management
Desktop Version
Cloud Version
Buy Now
Videos / Tutorials
System Requirements
Free To Small Churches
Payment Plan
Grow Your Church
About Us
Contact Us
Free Demo