Working Church - Church Membership Software

Helping Churches Manage Membership and Growth - Worldwide  Working Church on FacebookWorking Church on Adroid

 System Requirements

The desktop version installs on your own computer (or network) and requires the following:

  • Desktop version runs on your own computer. The cloud version runs on remote servers you access via Remote Desktop Connection.
  • Desktop Version: Microsoft Windows 10, 11 or higher. Cloud version: Almost any device with an Internet connection.
  • Microsoft Access 2016, 365 or newer, or free Access runtime (our installation routine will automatically check for and install this for you when necessary) 
  • Network version requires peer to peer setup or true server-based network running Windows Server 2013 or newer. We can help install the program on your network, but we can't help you set up a network. You'll need local help for that. 
  • Hard drive 
  • Desktop version: CD-ROM or internet access to download the program and updates. Cloud version: Internet access. 


The cloud version only requires a quality connection to the internet and a copy of the free Microsoft RDC (Remote Desktop Connection) app.